How Automating Your Inventory Management can Grow Your Small Business


Many business owners believe they need to be a big company with a million SKUs in order to justify using an inventory management system. Ask yourself this: how many hours have you and your team spent manually updating your inventory and generating sales orders, invoices and purchase orders? How many times have delays or mistakes cost you money or customers? Making the switch to a streamlined system is inexpensive and easy - plans start at just $50/month and you can upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time!

Here are five ways that erplain's inventory management software can help your small business thrive.

1. Save Time and Drive Efficiencies

Everything you need, all in one place.

Saving time = improved profits

Save time

One serious time-killer is spreadsheets. People who use spreadsheets at work spend up to 18.1 hours on them per month* (MarketWatch), and using spreadsheets to track your inventory is a glacially slow process.

But if you can see at a glance exactly what sold last year and what didn't, it's easy to cast a solid prognosis of what you'll need to keep your business up to speed.You don't want to order too little and run out too soon, and you don't want to order too much and have your budget eaten up by stock that's sitting there collecting dust, either.

With erplain, you have one click to select your customer, one click to insert a product with its pricing, one click to create an invoice, and zero clicks to update your inventory.

2. Collaborate with your team


You need your team all working with the same data in order to drastically improve productivity and efficiency. To catch every opportunity that comes down the pipeline, it’s crucial for your team to be able to access accurate and up-to-the-minute sales and inventory data.

With erplain’s cloud-based software, your whole team has constant access to updated data that accurately reflects changes and progress in your business.

3. Improve Customer Satisfaction

With spreadsheets, information must be entered and updated manually across different templates that don’t always correspond. They often contain costly, inconvenient mistakes that may not leave your customers happy.

Customer satisfaction

Imagine only needing to enter things into your system once, then from there, having the ability to track stock, orders, and payments.

With erplain, you never need to worry about disappointing your customers, because all sales and inventory information is updated in real time and is always right at your fingertips.

4. Increase Accessibility and Flexibility


Thanks to the cloud, technology has come a long way in a short amount of time, and these days, it's imperative that the information most critical to your business is accessible 24/7. The ability to write estimates and invoices on the fly from any device is how smart businesses maintain their edge on competitors.
With erplain, you can send sales orders to your customers, replenish your inventory, and track unpaid invoices in seconds from your office, home, business trip, or the beach.

5. Improve the Security of Your Data

Data security
100 times
more secure
than a spreadsheet
on a laptop

Did you ever wonder what would happen if your laptop suffered a major breakdown or got stolen? With erplain, your data is 100 times more secure than a spreadsheet on a laptop because itʼs hosted in the cloud.

Besides the data, now you can sleep soundly at night knowing that youʼll face no cash flow disruptions due to spreadsheet errors, a worry that 32% of small business owners cite as the troubling concern keeping them up at night.** (survey by Intuit Canada)

In this fast-paced world of modern business, you have to be efficient if you want to beat the competition and increase your profits. If you have more questions about how erplain can help your small business grow, contact us today!

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