SMB: boost your B2B sales with our new e-commerce platform!


B2B clients need independence! According to an INSEE (French National Institute for Statistical and Economic Studies) study, 93% of them want to shop directly online. Being able to order freely, keep an accurate control over their spendings, work around the distributors’ opening hours… the list of advantages goes on. Hence why a lot of businesses have taken the plunge in the United States!

Building on our experience on the other side of the Atlantic, we developed at Erplain a B2B Store: an e-commerce platform for SMBs looking to boost their sales.

Erplain B2B Store

In other words, this B2B Store allows you to offer a customized online store: your clients can order from there and restock 24/7. Connected to your Erplain inventory and sales management software, entered multi pricing options and commercial conditions are automatically incorporated into the online B2B platform. You can also select product categories or core products that you wish to feature. Your inventory is therefore updated in real time according to the orders made online. What a relief!

Through this platform, released last February for everyone, VSB offer their clients a whole new sales experience which also contributes to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Are you an Erplain client? Follow this link to learn how to activate your B2B Store today!

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