The Power of Tagging


Do not underestimate what you can do with tags. In this post, we'll give you the 3 best ways to use tags in erplain and why they can help you manage your orders and inventory more efficiently.

Tags can be added to customers, products and services. For each of these items, you can add as many tags as you need and you can choose the names of your tags. Simply type the tag name(s) in the tags field in the customer or product forms (more details in our help center: Tags article).

1. Manage your products more efficiently

As your business grows, the number of products that you manage will grow as well.

For a clear view of your products and stock levels, we recommend creating tabs with filters based on your product categories.

For example: Jimmy’s, a sport brand, sells accessories, women apparel, men apparel and kids apparel. The owner, Jim, has categorized his products in the product list and stock level view by creating new tabs for each category. When he creates a new product, he adds the tag for the relevant category. Then, he can filter based on tags and can save his reports (learn how to create customized reports and tabs).

Remember you can have multiple tags per items, feel free to organize your products with multiple tags if you need.

2. Create advanced pricing for your customers

Tagging your customers will also give more options to manage your pricing and reporting.
You likely have different types of customers. For example, some wholesalers have two pricing tiers, one for independent retailers and one for department stores. These different tiers might not get the same pricing for your products.

Once you have tagged your customers, simply go to the advanced pricing section of a product and setup new prices based on customer tags.

Next time you create a sales document for a customer with this tag, the new price will automatically be selected!

Advanced pricing creation with customer tag

3. Build sales reports relevant for your business

In the intelligence section, you can create and customize new sales reports that matter to your business.

Simply choose a report and filter based on customer or product tags, then save the report for quick and easy access. You can now get your sales reports by product category or customer type. Think about all the other ways to tag your products to build personalized sales reports to get your key metrics at your fingertips.

Sales report customization using tags

Before you get started with tags, make sure to follow these recommendations to keep your account organized:

  • Choose tag names that are easy to understand for you and for your team
  • Be careful with the plural or synonym of your tag and make sure you always use the same tag for a category. For example, if you have a tag for your category “Sport”, make sure to select the existing tag and don’t type “Sports” (plural) as it will create another tag.
  • Take some time to organize your tags properly. Identify what types of categories and tiers you need and how many levels of tags you’ll have for each item.
  • Once your products or customers are tagged, take 10 minutes to create your customized tabs and reports. This will save you time.

More information:
   • Tags article in our help center
   • Learn how to create customized tabs and reports
   • Setup price rules and advanced pricing
   • Any question? Submit a ticket

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