Create & Manage Custom Reports


Reporting is the starting point to take control of your inventory, improve your sales and make better decisions for your business. erplain has 2 main features that will provide you with the insights you need to run your business more effectively: Intelligence reports & Tabs in your documents list. Each can be customized to highlight the data that matters to you. 1. Intelligence Menu To help you access your key metrics, erplain provide you with pre-built reports in the intelligence menu: sales reports, overdue invoices report, inventory valuation report and more. You can customize sales report to reflect the metrics that are important to you and that you want to access in one click. Simply choose the relevant columns you want in your report and apply any filter.  Screenshots: Select your columns (left) and Select your filters (right) For example, I want to track the sales of my most important product for this year and see how my account managers perform in selling this product.I click oReporting is the starting point to take control of your inventory, improve your sales and make better decisions for your business.

erplain has 2 main features that will provide you with the insights you need to run your business more effectively: Intelligence reports & Tabs in your documents list. Each can be customized to highlight the data that matters to you.

1. Intelligence Menu

To help you access your key metrics, erplain provide you with pre-built reports in the intelligence menu: sales reports, overdue invoices report, inventory valuation report and more.

You can customize sales report to reflect the metrics that are important to you and that you want to access in one click. Simply choose the relevant columns you want in your report and apply any filter.

Customize your reports: select your columns and filters

Screenshots: Select your columns (left) and Select your filters (right)

For example, I want to track the sales of my most important product for this year and see how my account managers perform in selling this product.

I click on 'New report' and I select the column I want to see: Account manager, Quantity, Total without tax, Discount, Profit and margin. I also filter on the product I want to track, 'Jumpy Shoes'. Then, I save the report and name it 'Jumpy shoes per Rep'.

I can now access it in one click from the intelligence section and track the sales of this product.

Customize Sales Report in erplain

Screenshot: Intelligence Menu View


  • I could also have started from any pre-built sales report. In this case, I would have chosen the 'Account manager' report and add a filter on the product to track. Then, I would have clicked on 'save report' and a new saved report is automatically created for me. Choose the name of your report and you are done.

  • erplain lets you export any report to Excel, even the ones that you have customized and saved in erplain. Exporting can be useful if you want to send the data to someone or if you are looking to get additional analysis done in excel.

Export your data from erplain

Screenshot: Export function in erplain. Download your data in Excel format.

2. New tab in sales documents view and inventory view

Access the information that matters to you in one click by saving your important reports in new tabs.

Do you want to see all shipping orders from one of your locations?

Do you want to know the list of invoices from a sales location or an account manager? Or from your top 3 customers?

Simply go click on 'new tab' in any list view. Select your filter and click on 'Save filters'. Name your tab and you are done!

Now whenever you are in the view, you can simply select the tab that has the data you want to monitor.

Tabs customization from erplain

Screenshot: Tabs are available in many list views in the Sales and Inventory Sections


Save time and create new tabs for quick access to the data that matters to you in the following views:

All section of the Sales Menu:

  • Estimates
  • Sales orders
  • Shipping orders
  • Invoices
  • Product returns
  • Credit notes
  • Refunds
  • Subscriptions

In the following section of the Inventory Menu:

  • Stock level
  • Purchase orders
  • Deliveries
  • Stock entries
  • Stock removals
  • Stock movements

Filters include: dates, account managers, sales location, tags, products, customers, seasons and more.

Login to your account and start customizing your reports!

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