Why you should care about Cybersecurity for your business


We live in a digital world. Nowadays, it is no secret that businesses are targeted by hackers that steal informationabout their clients, banking accounts, critical infrastructure, etc.

Malwares, viruses, security failures, phishing… If a business is vulnerable to cyberthreats, such a digital attack can severely damage its reputation, finances, strategies and organization. Therefore, every business should consider getting a strong and comprehensive cybersecurity plan.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is “the practice of deploying people, policies, processes and technologies to protect organizations, their critical systems and sensitive information from digital attacks” (Source: Gartner)

What are the types of cyberthreats?

  • Phishing: the most common type of cyber attack. Phishing is an email that looks exactly like one of a reputable entity. Once you click on one of the links, the hackers gain access to your sensitive data (whether it is credit card numbers, social security numbers, logins, etc.);
  • Social engineering: a well-thought-out tactic from a rival to get you to reveal sensitive information. This strategy can be combined with phishing;
  • Malware: a software made to disrupt, damage or gain unauthorized access to your system;
  • Ransomware: a malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. However, paying the ransom does not guarantee that everything will be recovered.

How can you tell if your business is vulnerable?

85% of security breaches are caused by human errors: misuse of passwords and/or weak passwords, overshared files on the cloud, tricked employees that click on malicious links, etc.

And of course, the lack of a global security system that protects your business from data breaches.

How can you reinforce your small business cybersecurity?

Businesses are more than ever connected. Cybersecurity comes in different technologies of protection.

You need to protect your devices (computers, smart devices, and routers), your networks and your cloud.

First, you need to implement a “2 factor authentication” as much as possible: after entering your password, you receive a text message or an email with a code that you have to enter to log in. A lot of platforms use this technology but it’s only mandatory in rare cases. Second, you need to use a Password Manager: with a press of the button, this solution generates and manages strong, unique and complex passwords to prevent cracking. The passwords are then stored in a secure vault.

Finally, other technologies are highly recommended, such as firewalls, DNS filtering, malware protection, antivirus software, and email security solutions.

Is my data safe with Erplain?

At Erplain, cybersecurity for your business is a major concern. Without a solid system, our whole concept collapses, along with the trust of thousands of our clients. Therefore, it is crucial for us to rely on a high-performance and worldwide server that ensures data safety, a firewall, encrypted sites and many more security features. What’s more, the French information science and liberties commission requires that businesses define the retention period of customer data. If one of our trial customers decides to leave Erplain, their account and all data will be deleted six months post closure. Every year, we ask an independent entity to check and challenge our security system and generate reports for us to remain a safe and secure software. Try Erplain for free!

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