In 2019, looking at the big picture for small businesses!


2018 has gone by quickly and 2019 is already here. A year of possibility, a year in which the future remains to be written, a promising year! Our wish for you is that you continue to create and build projects even if you have to move mountains. Those are the projects that keep you moving forward, stimulate your creativity, and simply make life more exciting!

Looking forward to 2019, we are taking this opportunity to share our views on the coming year after looking back over the past year. With that in mind, we give the floor to the co-founders of Erplain.

What is the outcome of 2018?

Edouard, erplain CEO

« A year of development! My passion for new technologies dedicated to users has never been so clear. My team and I have made every effort to ensure the software has grown fast. Thus, Erplain has evolved a lot in terms of performance as well as ease of use. A more reliable platform, an ever more intuitive and accessible interface but also many more features. To name just a few: barcodes, advanced prices, data import and updates. And of course, we have further improved our integrations with QuickBooks Online and Shopify applications. »

Arnaud, erplain COO

« Our greatest pride in 2018 is the growth in the number of customers who chose Erplain to expand their business and put their trust in us. With a presence in 26 countries, our customers regularly let us know how satisfied they are with erplain. Accountants who recommend Erplain have also testified to the positive impact of the software in their own businesses and on their customers’ activity. Many thanks to them, but also to our partners QuickBooks and Shopify, with whom we have built a close relationship in order to offer a comprehensive solution that meets the needs of entrepreneurs. We ended the year brilliantly, attending the very inspiring Canadian QuickBooks meeting, QB Connect. »

Vision 2019

Your vision and plans for 2019?

Edouard, erplain CEO

« I'm starting 2019 with a lot of enthusiasm. Driven by its growth, Erplain will first amplify its existing partnerships with QuickBooks and Shopify but should also shortly create others. Our team plans new features for entrepreneurs with the goal of always being affordable and easy to use. No one needs to be an expert in technology to use Erplain. My mission is to provide small businesses with software services to enable them to help grow their business. Ultimately in preview for 2019, I am pleased to announce the launch of Erplain’s integration with both QuickBooks and Shopify. A highly anticipated "trio" which will be the reason for many communications at the beginning of the year. »

Arnaud, erplain COO
« Our customers are a source of inspiration and keep us moving forward every day. My interactions with entrepreneurs and their creative energy is what makes me get up in the morning with the desire to bring them more resources to use. Our vocation is for them to be able to do their job in the best possible way. In 2019, thanks to technology, small companies should have tools that are similar to those used by large companies. Our team's mission is to support them throughout their technological transition, which should benefit them without monopolizing their time. This year, we will also dedicate our efforts to accountants by offering them a certification program that will help them to better advise their clients and develop new ones.»

We wish all you a brilliant, exciting and fulfilling year in 2019. May it live up to your ambitions!
The Erplain team

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